Sunday 12 August 2007

The Waiting Game

It's Sunday. I begin tomorrow but I don't like the waiting around. Now that I know I am going to do it I want to start straight away. I guess I should use today as a chance to prepare. Having read a number of blogs of people doing LL with families and children I should count myself lucky. I don't think I would last very long if I had to shop for food and prepare meals. Luckily I live alone so once the fridge is empty I should be ready to start. I am also going to clear out the wardrobe of all the clothes that are currently a little too big. My weight normally swings up and down and I can be wearing anything from a 16 to a 20. Currently I am a size 18 so I will get rid of anything larger than that.

So, today will be a big clear out day - ready to start tomorrow.

I am going out for dinner tonight as a friend has got relatives visiting. It will be my last meal out for a long time so I intend to enjoy it. Also the last drink I'll be having for some time. Yikes.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hi Liz,

Hope today goes well and good luck.

I started LL on the 23/5, so nearly at my 100 days and this diet, so far has really worked for me. I also find writing my blog and reading lots of others a big help. Lesley (Life to Slim) was also one of my my inspirations for starting LL.

So, good luck & keep on blogging.

Amanda x