Saturday, 27 October 2007

Day Seventy Five

Oooooh, not long now!

So, it's Saturday morning and I am here on the sofa watching Saturday Kitchen. I can not get enough of Food Porn. I should be heading off to the gym - I Will be heading off to the gym but I am meeting a friend in there after she has done her tutoring so I am doing the laundry instead - ahh domesticity!

I feel rather content at the moment. I've just had half term so I have had the chance to get away from London a couple of times and chill out. Went for a nice walk up a hill in Wiltshire to see the White Horse and have had nice lie-ins. I couldn't sleep last night so I cleaned out all of my cupboards in the kitchen. I decided not to throw much stuff out. As a singleton living alone in London I, like many, have pretty empty cupboards anyway. I was always a M&S ready meal kind of girl. Which is ironic because I actually really love to cook. I have a shelf of herbs and spices, a shelf of tinned tomatoes and beans of various kinds and then a carb shelf at the top. I will eventually be eating pasta and rice again so I am loathed to just throw it out and waste it.
That's pretty much it. The fridge is funnier. Four bottles of lager, Three bottles of Raspberry beer, Two bottles of white wine and a bottle of champagne! Ahh, a glimpse at my former life.

I turn 31 on Wednesday. Without going into detail I kind of F**ked up quite royally when I turned thirty. In a confused haze of self belief and being utterly besotted with the wrong person I had a bit of a shi**y time. I dropped three stone, hated myself and was pretty darn miserable. Fortunately I have one of the greatest groups of friends available who were, and are, totally wonderful and forgiving. Coming out the other side of it all I just thought 'sod it' and went back to a comfort zone as a way of making myself feel better. Of course that didn't work. So I intend to do things better this time around.

I am desperate to loose 4lbs this week. 4lbs will mean that I have lost three stone. It will be a great mile stone and perfect birthday present. But it is in the laps of the gods. It is very odd how you don't really feel control over your weight loss on LL. I can't 'cut-back' - or choose a lighter option. So - the gym it is instead. I have definitely been more active this week and I hope it has a positive effect.

I have slightly adjusted my goal weight. I wanted to get to ten stone - well, I randomly picked ten stone but I have decided, now that I am closer to the prize, that I will aim for ten and a half. I then want to try to stay between 10 and 11 stone as I work through the RtM part of the programme.

So, a blooody long post - sorry if you have trudged through my swampy brain. But it is cathartic to get it all out. Especially as I am sick of sounding like a diet bore with my friends.

1 comment:

Mrs said...

Hello hello

I know it won't seem much help now but just think, as you approach 31, you can enjoy a healthy weight throughout your thirties!!! You can get it sorted now and then your personal life will follow! How I wish I were 10 years younger but hey!

I will do a post for you abou the RtM side of things.

Keep going!!!

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxx